station air 5.13   The station aired the tape recently.
  television air 4.94   CBS television aired the remark Thursday as part of an interview.
  show air 4.81   The show airs.
  network air 3.23   The networks air reruns.
  ad air 2.24   The ad is airing statewide.
  episode air 1.84   Episode first aired Sunday.
  program air 1.58   The program airs Sunday.
  report air 0.86   The report will air this week.
  series air 0.79   The series never aired.
  commercial air 0.72   The commercial has aired for three weeks.
  segment air 0.72   The segment never aired.
  channel air 0.66   The cable channel could air only two live matches.
  broadcaster air 0.59   Digital signals will enable broadcasters to air High Definition Television and additional channels.
  campaign air 0.59   They wish the campaign would air them more.
  documentary air 0.59   The documentary airs on Saturday.
  interview air 0.59   Interview aired.
  film air 0.53   The film airs Sunday night on ABC.
  game air 0.53   The game will air first, with Bobby Orr coaching the Bruins.
  event air 0.46   Some daytime events will air live.
  group air 0.46   Biers FLORIDA -- New group airs TV ads supporting partial-birth abortion ban.
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