main aim 9.94   What was your main aim?
  political aim 4.02   Its political aims have never been very clear.
  ultimate aim 3.95   His ultimate aim is unclear.
  primary aim 3.03   Diversity is a primary aim.
  stated aim 2.30   The authors have two stated aims.
  key aim 2.04   Drug control was another key aim.
  dead aim 1.65   Take dead aim.
  high aim 1.51   Tim Allen aims high.
  same aim 1.51   Simon has the same aim.
  long-term aim 1.45   How does all this tie in with their long-term aims?
  similar aim 1.45   Hwang has a similar aim.
  direct aim 1.38   Finally, the coach took direct aim at the NCAA.
  sole aim 1.32   That is the sole aim.
  principal aim 1.25   Renewed security cooperation was a principal aim of the summit.
  real aim 1.25   But his real aim is to replace Jesse Jackson.
  immediate aim 1.12   His immediate aim is repeal of the new law.
  major aim 1.12   Taking the fear out using new technology is a major aim of SeniorNet.
  overall aim 1.12   In each case the overall aims of nursing remain the same.
  chief aim 1.05   Barreto agreed that his chief aim at the SBA would be to make itself better known.
  broad aim 0.99   There is talk of supporting broad aims to digitize the economy.
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