include agriculture 1.18   Other areas include agriculture and water conservation.
  develop agriculture 0.92   Hamood said the marshes were drained to develop agriculture.
  study agriculture 0.86   He studied economic agriculture in Wageningen for seven years.
  promote agriculture 0.66   They also signed an agreement with the U.N. World Food Program to promote Venezuelan agriculture.
  hurt agriculture 0.59   Heavy rains hurt agriculture.
  modernize agriculture 0.59   If, as many expect, Mexico invests heavily in modernizing agriculture, the figure could be much higher.
  protect agriculture 0.53   The WTO also accused South Korea of overly protecting its agriculture.
  boost agriculture 0.46   Gowda, who grew up on a tiny farm, vowed to boost agriculture and open up India to foreign investment.
  disrupt agriculture 0.46   Radical steps he says, could disrupt agriculture, resulting in higher food prices.
  neglect agriculture 0.46   Agriculture was badly neglected.
  support agriculture 0.46   Because it looks like you are advocating supporting agriculture.
  improve agriculture 0.39   Once again, the key is to create a better economy, not just to improve agriculture.
  revive agriculture 0.39   He said removing mines would be essential to reviving agriculture.
  dominate agriculture 0.33   It is firmly established in rural areas, notably on state farms which still dominate Russian agriculture.
  affect agriculture 0.26   How might agriculture be affected?
  practice agriculture 0.26   The Cullens practice organic agriculture.
  take agriculture 0.26   Take agriculture.
  undermine agriculture 0.26   Many Filipino opponents say the agreement will undermine local agriculture by letting in cheaper imported products.
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