show age 4.48   But showing her age?
  fight age 4.34   Why fight age?
  give age 4.08   Just give my age.
  reach age 3.62   His children were reaching college age.
  take age 3.23   That recipe takes ages.
  determine age 2.17   How was their age determined?
  raise age 1.91   Supports raising age of beneficiaries.
  include age 0.99   Other information, including their ages, was not released.
  belie age 0.86   Only the giggles belie her age.
  consider age 0.86   But it did consider age.
  enter age 0.86   West Africa enters mall age.
  reveal age 0.86   He reveals their ages.
  cite age 0.79   Both cited age as the reason for their retirement.
  ask age 0.72   The boy asked his age.
  know age 0.72   His age was not known.
  release age 0.66   His age was not released.
  have age 0.59   The metaphors have no age.
  tell age 0.53   Radiocarbon dating tells the age.
  near age 0.46   ...civil servants who were nearing pensionable age.
  provide age 0.46   He was unable to provide her age.
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