have advocate 2.04   But Simpson had his advocates, too.
  say advocate 1.84   And that, say advocates, is not happening as it should.
  anger advocate 0.86   That angers civil rights advocates.
  worry advocate 0.86   That worries advocates for the elderly.
  alarm advocate 0.66   Still, consumer advocates were alarmed by the prospect of regional Bell companies linking up.
  right advocate 0.66   And abortion rights advocates, such as Govs.
  control advocate 0.33   The panel included missile defense enthusiasts, but also several arms control advocates.
  include advocate 0.33   Supporters of pedestrians, including advocates of public transportation, say the barriers infringe on the rights of nonmotorists in favor of cars.
  enrage advocate 0.26   They have also enraged gay advocates around the world.
  find advocate 0.26   John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. is finding consumer advocates in unlikely places.
  please advocate 0.26   That does not please consumer advocates.
  see advocate 0.26   They also saw an advocate in President Bush, who denounced the practice on the campaign trail.
  trouble advocate 0.26   These attitudes trouble advocates of prisoner rights.
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