environmental advocacy 1.84   Of course, there is another side to environmental advocacy.
  nonprofit advocacy 1.51   The committee is a Washington-based nonprofit advocacy group for journalists.
  patient advocacy 1.45   Patient advocacy groups hailed the study.
  liberal advocacy 1.12   Other liberal advocacy groups have taken a similar view.
  political advocacy 1.05   Nationally, Hindus, Sikhs, Native Americans and Muslims are establishing political advocacy groups.
  public advocacy 1.05   As in his public advocacy, he hopes to advance germ defenses.
  national advocacy 0.99   The national advocacy group insists that PAC gifts corrupt lawmakers.
  hispanic advocacy 0.86   Hispanic advocacy groups believe it will.
  private advocacy 0.86   In New Jersey, the relationship between private advocacy groups and the government has been less strained.
  conservative advocacy 0.79   The opposite reaction came from the Family Research Council, a conservative advocacy organization.
  gay advocacy 0.72   Kevin Ivers, spokesman for Log Cabin Republicans, a gay advocacy group, agreed.
  independent advocacy 0.59   But there are no guidelines for working with businesses or independent advocacy groups.
  washington-based advocacy 0.59   The Washington-based advocacy group Public Citizen has been complaining since last spring that the trials are unethical.
  legal advocacy 0.53   A Belgian legal advocacy group, Lawyers Without Borders, has obtained permission to represent genocide suspects.
  jewish advocacy 0.46   The American Jewish Committee is a Jewish advocacy organization.
  family advocacy 0.39   Family advocacy groups, however, argue that pornography is proliferating on the Internet.
  homeless advocacy 0.39   Homeless advocacy groups have also submitted a claim for some land.
  strong advocacy 0.39   The pope did not disappoint them, continuing his strong advocacy of human rights.
  animal advocacy 0.33   Some animal advocacy groups say they agree that animals should not be bought through auction.
  health_care advocacy 0.33   The consumer groups include Community Catalyst, a national health care advocacy organization, and Citizen Action of New York.
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