new adventure 4.48   Each day is a new adventure.
  great adventure 3.16   Hence, the great adventure.
  outdoor adventure 2.30   Bugs are the bane of many outdoor adventures.
  high adventure 1.38   But what a chance for high adventure!
  next adventure 1.38   Always looking for the next adventure.
  military adventure 1.32   And yet we spend money on military adventures overseas.
  exciting adventure 1.25   It seemed like an exciting adventure to me.
  culinary adventure 1.18   That was the start of my culinary adventures.
  real adventure 1.12   This was real adventure.
  sexual adventure 1.12   And his sexual adventures were endless, yet joyless.
  latest adventure 0.99   Their latest adventure fits them like a silk glove.
  romantic adventure 0.99   It was a time of romantic adventure and discovery.
  big adventure 0.92   It was a big adventure.
  grand adventure 0.92   It has been a grand adventure.
  wild adventure 0.86   Many wild adventures follow.
  animated adventure 0.79   Balto This animated adventure about sled dogs in Alaska is a treat.
  exotic adventure 0.79   There are also more exotic adventures, which are not entirely successful.
  foreign adventure 0.79   His stories of foreign adventure captured my imagination.
  interactive adventure 0.79   Is it an interactive adventure?
  excellent adventure 0.66   Like many excellent adventures, this one had an early speed bump.
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