take advantage 359.58   She shamelessly took advantage of him.
  have advantage 120.28   You have the advantage of me.
  gain advantage 10.01   But neither labor nor business can gain an advantage.
  offer advantage 10.01   And they offer some advantages.
  see advantage 8.95   But others saw advantages.
  enjoy advantage 5.73   Bush still enjoys numerous advantages.
  give advantage 5.73   This gives huge advantages to Bush and Gore.
  hold advantage 4.67   This method holds several advantages.
  get advantage 3.09   You do not get an advantage.
  lose advantage 2.76   Now Nomo has lost the advantage of surprise.
  seek advantage 2.76   It is about seeking political advantage.
  use advantage 2.04   He is already using the advantages of incumbency.
  provide advantage 1.78   Does menopause provide evolutionary advantage?
  maintain advantage 1.71   Irabu could not maintain the advantage, however.
  bring advantage 1.58   Of course, buying a home does bring tax advantages.
  press advantage 1.58   Democrats want to press that advantage.
  squander advantage 1.05   Once again, the Heat squandered homecourt advantage.
  regain advantage 0.99   And in Illinois, Gore has regained the advantage.
  retain advantage 0.99   But he thinks he retains the advantage.
  confer advantage 0.92   The special nature of information confers another advantage.
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