stock advance 12.71   Stocks advanced.
  future advance 11.59   Soybean futures advanced.
  price advance 10.86   Grain prices advanced.
  team advance 10.47   That U.S. team advanced.
  force advance 6.91   RPF forces advance on Kigali.
  troop advance 6.52   Serb troops did not advance, Ivanko said.
  winner advance 6.52   The winner would advance.
  rebel advance 4.81   The rebels were advancing.
  runner advance 4.21   The Cardinal runners advanced.
  technology advance 3.55   Amazing how technology has advanced.
  dollar advance 3.29   The dollar advanced.
  share advance 2.83   Auto shares advanced.
  player advance 2.63   One local player advanced.
  index advance 2.24   Other indexes advanced.
  army advance 2.11   The army advanced across the plain.
  market advance 1.84   European markets advanced.
  soldier advance 1.58   It was not clear how far the soldiers advanced Saturday.
  government advance 1.45   The government has been advancing in recent weeks.
  victory advance 1.45   Britain would need three victories to advance.
  seed advance 1.38   Other seeds advanced.
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