attitude adjustment 2.96   The attitude adjustment worked.
  price adjustment 2.11   Make your price adjustment soon.
  inventory adjustment 1.91   Inventory adjustments are close to ending, it said.
  inflation adjustment 1.71   --A bigger annual inflation adjustment for Medicare payments.
  position adjustment 1.32   Many dealers were making position adjustments ahead of the weekend.
  salary adjustment 1.12   There were also salary adjustments.
  portfolio adjustment 0.99   A few timely portfolio adjustments also helped.
  height adjustment 0.92   Check that height adjustments are easy to make.
  policy adjustment 0.92   But Thursday, its leaders seemed pleased with the policy adjustment.
  rate adjustment 0.79   In May, the government rescinded a previously approved rate adjustment.
  last-minute adjustment 0.72   The Sierra Club tries to stay flexible enough to make last-minute adjustments.
  power adjustment 0.72   The power seat adjustments, on the side of the seats, were hard to reach.
  budget adjustment 0.53   The budget adjustment is to be discussed Saturday.
  seat adjustment 0.53   --The manual seat adjustments.
  tax adjustment 0.46   That transfer is set aside to cover any future tax adjustments.
  government adjustment 0.39   That forced government cost of living adjustments to millions of pensioners and workers, inflating spending.
  tariff adjustment 0.39   The next group of companies that could be hit by tariff adjustments are the electric utilities.
  value adjustment 0.39   Value adjustments and provisions remain high.
  chassis adjustment 0.33   Chassis adjustments were the order of this round, along with four tire changes and fuel.
  wage adjustment 0.33   That could trigger other wage adjustments around the country.
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