give address 7.70   Neither gave an address.
  have address 6.25   It has an address.
  deliver address 5.33   Nobody else delivered an address.
  change address 4.61   Change your address.
  use address 4.08   No you used our address.
  list address 3.16   No return address is listed.
  include address 2.70   Includes web site addresses.
  make address 2.63   Yeltsin makes annual address.
  find address 1.91   Find some addresses.
  get address 1.78   She has got your address?
  provide address 1.71   He provided six addresses.
  register address 1.51   In this case, the addresses were then registered by other people.
  know address 1.45   They knew my address.
  e-mail address 1.25   Send it to them from that e-mail address.
  write address 1.25   He wrote his address on a scrap of paper.
  print address 1.12   Will you print the addresses?
  broadcast address 0.92   The address was broadcast on radio and television.
  enter address 0.86   Enter the address for the page you want to visit.
  exchange address 0.86   We exchanged addresses.
  follow address 0.72   Gore joined his daughter in an unannounced visit to the podium following her address.
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