help addict 1.65   These things do not help many addicts.
  treat addict 1.65   Matrix already was using the drug to treat opiate addicts.
  recover addict 0.66   Like Strawberry, they are recovering drug addicts.
  drug addict 0.53   The commission report said half the prostitutes in Sweden were also drug addicts.
  counsel addict 0.39   He had begun a football camp for boys at his alma mater, Tennessee State, and was counseling drug addicts.
  get addict 0.33   Supporters say it would help get addicts off the streets and reduce crime.
  arrest addict 0.26   A heroin addict has been arrested.
  involve addict 0.26   The needle exchange program has been knocked because it involves drug addicts.
  make addict 0.26   Some brands which claim to be lower in tar are higher in nicotine, the poisonous alkaloid that makes addicts out of smokers.
  rehabilitate addict 0.26   The clinic rehabilitates drug addicts.
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