cloudy across 7.70   It will be mostly cloudy across the region today.
  sunny across 3.62   It will be partly sunny across the region today.
  located across 3.03   The rest will be located across the country.
  lower across 2.44   Yields were lower across the curve.
  possible across 2.44   Some ice is possible across Iowa.
  common across 2.30   Power disruptions were common across Georgia.
  halfway across 2.17   Only, he had to go halfway across the world to do it.
  likely across 1.78   Comparable amounts are likely across extreme southern Texas.
  higher across 1.58   Banks were higher across the board.
  stationary across 1.51   Front to become nearly stationary across local Caribbean waters tonight.
  moving across 1.45   Business is moving across the Atlantic.
  right across 1.45   Push it right across.
  visible across 1.38   Smoke clearly was visible across Houston.
  widespread across 1.38   The euphoria was widespread across the region.
  clear across 1.32   Knocked me clear across the field.
  down across 1.32   Crime is down across the country.
  up across 1.32   Enrollment is up across the nation.
  available across 1.25   All these machines are available across the network.
  high across 1.25   And last, job creation has been running high across the United States this year.
  strong across 1.05   Buying was strong across the market.
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