land acquisition 3.75   His government says it will push ahead with land acquisitions.
  free-agent acquisition 2.11   The free-agent acquisitions in the offseason were good ones.
  bank acquisition 1.91   This would be the biggest bank acquisition ever.
  year acquisition 1.71   Fox Kids has already made several acquisitions this year.
  offseason acquisition 1.51   Other offseason acquisitions have brought journeymen.
  player acquisition 0.99   The inconsequential player acquisition.
  late-season acquisition 0.79   Late-season acquisition Bip Roberts signed with Detroit.
  company acquisition 0.66   Both have made a series of medical device company acquisitions.
  high-profile acquisition 0.66   He has used Artemis to make many high-profile acquisitions.
  language acquisition 0.66   ...language acquisition.
  customer acquisition 0.59   It also said lower direct response rates are expected to cause customer acquisition costs to rise.
  property acquisition 0.59   Lee family property acquisition questioned in parliament.
  hotel acquisition 0.46   Analysts said the company could make as many as a dozen big hotel acquisitions this year.
  medium acquisition 0.46   That may not work out, but investors are hot on media acquisitions.
  trade acquisition 0.46   All were draft picks, except trade acquisitions Casillas and Haley.
  share acquisition 0.39   On the contrary we ban share acquisitions in the BBC.
  arm acquisition 0.33   Under the Oslo agreement, arms acquisitions by the Authority must be approved by Israel.
  asset acquisition 0.33   If the new investors are foreigners, there would be more liquidity injected into the domestic market following the asset acquisition.
  business acquisition 0.33   Merger control and competition law are becoming increasingly important factors in business acquisitions.
  cross-border acquisition 0.33   The rules would limit measures common in some EU countries designed to thwart cross-border acquisitions.
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