recent acquisition 11.26   Some of them are recent acquisitions.
  proposed acquisition 9.35   The proposed acquisition is different in another way.
  possible acquisition 8.95   And which REITs are possible acquisition targets?
  major acquisition 7.57   Wells has a history of major acquisitions.
  new acquisition 6.25   He did not elaborate on the new acquisitions.
  big acquisition 4.94   Other big acquisitions followed.
  further acquisition 4.81   Further acquisitions are possible, he said.
  potential acquisition 4.28   It is also a potential acquisition target, he said.
  future acquisition 3.95   Future PacPizza acquisitions are expected.
  planned acquisition 3.49   Then there are planned acquisitions by MAS.
  latest acquisition 3.29   The museum has put its latest acquisitions on display.
  large acquisition 3.03   We have not done any large acquisitions.
  first acquisition 2.30   It is the first U.S. acquisition by Aegis.
  pending acquisition 1.91   And Comcast can use the cash from the sale to help pay off pending acquisitions.
  aggressive acquisition 1.78   In the past, aggressive acquisition was the strategy.
  strategic acquisition 1.71   It has made a routine of strategic acquisitions.
  corporate acquisition 1.58   Candy Land and corporate acquisitions.
  largest acquisition 1.58   But this would be by far its largest acquisition.
  second acquisition 1.58   He is discussing a possible second acquisition in Florida.
  off-season acquisition 1.51   Perhaps they can talk about their off-season acquisitions.
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