dull ache 1.38   I suffer more of a dull ache.
  joint ache 0.53   They include fatigue, low-grade fever and muscle and joint aches.
  severe ache 0.39   Two weeks after infection, victims develop severe aches.
  back ache 0.33   They make my back ache.
  little ache 0.33   Nobody wants to hear you complain about every little ache and pain that is plaguing you.
  minor ache 0.33   Half the players have minor aches and pains.
  muscular ache 0.33   For common headaches or muscular aches, stick with aspirin or acetaminophen.
  deep ache 0.26   A deep ache tugged at her, tears stung her eyes, she looked back at her father.
  general ache 0.26   ...a general ache radiating from the back of the neck.
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