perform abortion 24.42   He performed abortions.
  have abortion 22.32   I had two abortions.
  oppose abortion 18.37   He opposes abortion.
  ban abortion 7.83   Abortion is banned in Ireland.
  seek abortion 6.65   Many women seeking abortion are married.
  get abortion 4.54   She could have gotten an abortion.
  outlaw abortion 4.34   He is not out to outlaw abortion.
  allow abortion 3.69   Therefore, abortion is now allowed.
  provide abortion 3.36   Abortions are not provided.
  legalize abortion 3.09   Wade legalized abortion around the nation.
  promote abortion 2.63   They say some organizations receiving the aid promote abortion.
  include abortion 2.57   But she does know that she wants her practice to include abortions.
  support abortion 2.44   Neither supports banning abortion.
  obtain abortion 1.97   Currently, a teen-ager can obtain an abortion without talking to a parent.
  induce abortion 1.91   Abortifacients are drugs or devices that induce abortion.
  restrict abortion 1.84   Dole has consistently voted to restrict abortion.
  permit abortion 1.71   But if abortion was permitted, it should be medically safe, he stressed.
  prohibit abortion 1.58   Currently, such abortions are prohibited.
  do abortion 1.45   Paul does abortions two days a week.
  mention abortion 1.45   She did not mention abortion.
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