brain abnormality 1.38   In cases where seizures are caused by a brain abnormality, surgery is an option.
  heart abnormality 0.99   Arrhythmia is a heart rhythm abnormality that can be fatal.
  rhythm abnormality 0.66   The cause of the rhythm abnormalities is unknown, he said.
  blood abnormality 0.39   That would pick up any blood abnormalities or traces of diet pills.
  chromosome abnormality 0.26   Down syndrome is caused by a chromosome abnormality and results in retardation and characteristic physical abnormalities.
  climate abnormality 0.26   El Nino is a warming of the waters off equatorial South America which causes climate abnormalities around the world.
  heart-rhythm abnormality 0.26   Allegra does not pose the risk of dangerous heart-rhythm abnormalities, Temple said.
  testosterone abnormality 0.26   The runner has insisted the testosterone abnormalities were caused by a medicine for a viral infection.
  thyroid abnormality 0.26   The report also drew comparisons with the rates of thyroid abnormalities for people outside the Hanford area.
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