yearly basis 2.04   Now, you need the crops on a yearly basis.
  yearly ritual 1.51   It has become their yearly ritual.
  yearly event 0.92   It could be a yearly event.
  yearly budget 0.72   The proposed cut target a controversial area in the yearly budget debate.
  yearly income 0.72   This concession cost the order ten percent of its yearly income.
  yearly meeting 0.59   Erm, there is a half yearly Council meeting at Blackshots Lane, Grays, Thurrock.
  yearly visit 0.59   This is what many patients experience in their yearly visit to the doctor.
  yearly checkup 0.53   He has returned for yearly checkups ever since.
  yearly fee 0.53   The yearly fee gives subscribers access to the list.
  yearly increase 0.53   -- The UAW has also sought higher wages with better yearly increases.
  yearly progress 0.53   He had worked with these families, lent books to them and met with them in yearly progress conferences.
  yearly salary 0.53   What is their yearly salary?
  yearly competition 0.46   Imola is set to be the first European race of the yearly competition.
  yearly earnings 0.46   Sport Chalet is used to much better yearly earnings.
  yearly figure 0.46   The report did not provide comparative yearly figures.
  yearly mammogram 0.39   We go for yearly mammograms.
  yearly profit 0.39   Even as late as last spring, Reuter was saying Daimler would show a yearly profit.
  yearly quota 0.39   The normal yearly quota of truly superior college teams based in New England used to be one.
  yearly report 0.39   All he comes away with is a half-dozen yearly reports, each with its photograph.
  yearly review 0.39   A yearly in-house review by staff and committee members, plus a three-year review by an engineer, is recommended.
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