word game 3.55   Zig Zag is a word game.
  word problem 1.51   Saving money is another word problem.
  word spread 1.51   More venues may be added as word spreads.
  word string 1.25   However, if this is not the case we may find a combinatorial explosion of word strings.
  word recognition 1.18   Fifty years ago, schools taught more whole word recognition than phonics.
  word list 1.12   The language is known only from a few word lists.
  word boundary 1.05   Every word boundary as a choice point?
  word choice 1.05   Good word choice, Bob.
  word count 0.86   Repeating to correct slug and word count.
  word association 0.72   The game is word association.
  word picture 0.72   A more fitting word picture for this season has yet to be drawn.
  word meaning 0.66   The word meaning is to be taken seriously here.
  word graph 0.59   Paths could then be continued from all new short words that are stored on the word graph.
  word use 0.59   Revising for word use baking the pie.
  word abortion 0.53   The word abortion never crossed our lips.
  word hypothesis 0.53   LA passes several hundred word hypotheses to the higher level components, most of which are false positives.
  word change 0.46   The word change is usually dropped from this term.
  word match 0.46   They do not include possibly correct but low scoring word matches.
  word path 0.46   This resulted in a decrease in the number of word paths, though the numbers were still extremely high.
  word power 0.46   Ready to increase your word power?
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