win game 200.73   And it won the game.
  win election 96.25   And he won the election.
  win race 85.39   Aamodt won the race.
  win approval 83.08   All four have won Senate approval.
  win title 80.45   Clinton has won that title.
  win support 80.05   A modified proposal won more support.
  win championship 68.99   And we won the championship.
  win toss 61.29   Pakistan won toss.
  win tournament 55.89   He has won four tournaments.
  win seat 54.77   He wins Senate seat.
  win match 43.91   Can we win a match?
  win award 40.62   But it won awards.
  win gold 37.52   Did she win gold?
  win battle 36.80   But Weld won that battle.
  win medal 36.67   But they can win medals.
  win vote 33.51   It will not win votes tomorrow.
  win war 32.85   But did they win the war?
  win majority 31.93   No party won a majority.
  win praise 29.82   His frankness has won praise.
  win re-election 28.57   He won re-election.
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