watch from 68.66   Amy watched from the wall.
  watch in 55.23   Leonora watched him in dismay.
  watch on 48.06   We watched it on the big screen.
  watch as 47.27   We watched as the trucks rumbled past.
  watch with 30.35   He watched with mixed emotions.
  watch over 11.78   May God watch over her.
  watch through 6.12   I watched through binoculars.
  watch at 4.67   Watch it at your own risk.
  watch behind 2.30   Wise peasants watch from behind trees.
  watch by 2.24   I wanted to watch it by myself.
  watch during 2.24   But a lot of riders were watching me during the race.
  watch without 2.17   He watched her without saying anything.
  watch like 1.58   You have to watch him like a hawk.
  watch than 1.51   It was more painful to watch than medieval torture.
  watch after 1.45   After supper we watched a video.
  watch nearby 1.18   Hussain watches nearby.
  watch across 1.12   He was still watching her across the table.
  watch around 0.92   The test was being watched around the world.
  watch because_of 0.86   Do you oftentimes watch because of the photography in them?
  watch to 0.86   No they just wanna watch to T V.
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