warn people 9.55   Warn people.
  warn resident 5.27   Authorities warned residents to stay inside.
  warn investor 4.87   Investors were warned, certainly.
  warn government 4.34   Owodunni warned the government against outlawing his union.
  warn country 3.62   China has warned other countries against following suit.
  warn official 3.49   The tip is too vague to warn health officials.
  warn public 3.49   Warning the public is necessary and right.
  warn citizen 3.09   U.S. warns its citizens away from Pakistan.
  warn authority 2.70   And again authorities had been warned in advance.
  warn consumer 2.44   Will the association warn consumers about defective Sunbeam products?
  warn parent 2.04   Vieira warns parents to shop early.
  warn pilot 2.04   The controller is then supposed to warn the pilot by radio.
  warn player 2.04   He warned his players.
  warn shot 1.97   He began to shoot over the tops of cars, warning shots.
  warn driver 1.91   Last July, the NTSB warned drivers not to chat and drive.
  warn company 1.78   Shipping companies have been warned off the possible strike.
  warn child 1.71   Mothers have warned their children against this.
  warn leader 1.71   The U.N. Security Council warned Serb leaders against further attacks.
  warn team 1.65   Hamid warned his team against complacency.
  warn student 1.51   Authorities in Serbia warned students today against joining the strike.
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