warn about 38.25   Bob warned us about this.
  warn in 25.02   Patrick warned just in time.
  warn on 19.35   Charlemagne warned on the radio.
  warn for 8.56   Bean got warned for hitting low.
  warn from 5.33   The market appeared to shrug off an earnings warning from Ford.
  warn at 3.62   He warned at the time that some officials might be punished.
  warn before 3.23   New Englanders have been warned before.
  warn to 3.16   Warning to dual nationals.
  warn after 1.84   Foreign Office warning after five die in Bosnian convoy.
  warn during 1.78   Gbagbo warned during a final campaign day rally Saturday that voter fraud was possible.
  warn by 1.71   It was the second earnings warning by Penney in just over a month.
  warn as 1.18   Dole warned as much on Monday.
  warn with 0.66   Ice fishermen said the storm hit without warning with a blinding force.
  warn in_advance_of 0.59   Passengers warned in advance of the strike stayed away.
  warn over 0.53   Makino and five other senior officials have also been warned over the incident, said Sato.
  warn through 0.46   Reporters were warned through loudspeakers not to get closer.
  warn nearby 0.33   There was no health danger, no need to warn nearby residents, no reason to keep the kids home from school.
  warn outside 0.33   It is also trying to warn outside powers against granting visas to Taiwanese political leaders.
  warn throughout 0.33   Dole warned throughout the campaign that Clinton would try to change the new welfare law if he was re-elected.
  warn in_case_of 0.26   After then, police were authorized to shoot without warning in case of unrest.
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