voucher be 5.13   How are vouchers different?
  voucher give 0.59   The vouchers merely gave them a subsidy at the expense of public schools.
  voucher go 0.59   Bond says one in five vouchers currently go unused.
  voucher allow 0.46   Vouchers allow parents to pick the school their child attends, public or private.
  voucher drain 0.46   Other say the vouchers would drain money from public schools.
  voucher take 0.46   Such vouchers would take money from public schools, Gore said.
  voucher help 0.39   Do vouchers help poor kids?
  voucher have 0.33   My generation knows that vouchers have serious limitations.
  voucher make 0.33   Vouchers make competition.
  voucher pay 0.33   The vouchers would pay for private tuition or tutoring.
  voucher buy 0.26   Trump says unemployed people should get vouchers to buy some of the basic coverage that most workers get.
  voucher improve 0.26   Some earnestly believe that vouchers would improve public schools.
  voucher violate 0.26   And many Democrats believe that vouchers violate the doctrine of separation of church and state.
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