video be 18.89   Mum, is the video on?
  video show 9.87   New video shows more police brutality.
  video have 1.71   The video has some weak spots.
  video feature 1.32   The accompanying video features a cameo by Collins.
  video come 0.99   Then came video.
  video help 0.99   Fun videos help, too.
  video become 0.86   In more extreme cases, the video becomes the show.
  video play 0.86   Full-motion video plays in the background.
  video include 0.79   Video includes free T-shirt via a mail-in offer.
  video make 0.66   Videos make nice gifts.
  video give 0.59   Video gives both parents and children control.
  video appear 0.53   A video appears on screen.
  video begin 0.53   Burgasser compares it to when adult videos began replacing films.
  video end 0.53   The video ends abruptly.
  video seem 0.53   Alas, video seems not to be in the cards.
  video contain 0.46   The video also contained footage of the French chauffeur, Henri Paul, talking to other staff at the hotel.
  video depict 0.46   The video depicted the lives of stowaways in the Port of Good Fortune.
  video explain 0.46   The video explains in simple terms how the new tax works.
  video offer 0.46   The videos also offer a glimpse into Latin American lifestyles.
  video say 0.46   The videos said forgiveness was a choice.
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