vehement opposition 2.37   Despite vehement opposition, the Act became law.
  vehement protest 1.78   Despite her vehement protests, he pulled her inside.
  vehement objection 1.05   But several proposals drew vehement objections from members.
  vehement opponent 1.05   Germany was its most vehement opponent.
  vehement critic 0.99   One vehement critic is Michael Howard.
  vehement criticism 0.86   In a recent campaign appearance, he faced vehement criticism from people such as Louise Gilchrist.
  vehement denial 0.72   He issued a vehement denial of the accusation.
  vehement reaction 0.39   His views do not in themselves inspire vehement reactions.
  vehement argument 0.26   Previous task force discussions on HIV surveillance have deteriorated into vehement arguments.
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