vegetarian diet 5.66   A vegetarian diet is fine.
  vegetarian dish 3.03   They also offer vegetarian dishes.
  vegetarian meal 2.37   We ate beautifully prepared vegetarian meals.
  vegetarian food 1.97   It is strictly vegetarian food.
  vegetarian restaurant 1.38   Are there any vegetarian restaurants there?
  vegetarian recipe 1.05   Request is for vegetarian party recipes.
  vegetarian burger 0.92   Burger King is testing a vegetarian burger in some restaurants.
  vegetarian menu 0.92   A vegetarian menu is available.
  vegetarian cookbook 0.86   Atlas also has written several vegetarian cookbooks.
  vegetarian entree 0.86   Serve as a vegetarian entree.
  vegetarian option 0.72   Include a vegetarian option.
  vegetarian lunch 0.59   A vegetarian lunch was also served.
  vegetarian version 0.53   Vegetarian version also given.
  vegetarian chili 0.39   With its Parmesan cheese, this vegetarian chili has a distinctly Italian flavor.
  vegetarian dinner 0.39   He enjoyed vegetarian Thanksgiving dinners prepared by a neighbor, Mary Ann Dunn.
  vegetarian offering 0.39   Vegetarian offerings are interesting too.
  vegetarian course 0.33   If you use vegetable or mock chicken stock, this can be a vegetarian main course.
  vegetarian item 0.33   Vegetarian items and a salad bar are also available.
  vegetarian fare 0.26   Now he enjoys the vegetarian fare, even quinoa, an Aztec grain.
  vegetarian tamale 0.26   Those are vegetarian tamales.
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