untold number 5.53   An untold number have perished at sea.
  untold million 2.30   It gobbled up still untold millions of dollars.
  untold damage 1.84   They can do untold damage to your plants.
  untold thousand 1.65   And it costs workers untold thousands of hours making change.
  untold story 0.99   But there is another story, an untold story.
  untold billion 0.86   It saved untold billions of dollars.
  untold riches 0.86   The beggar can encounter untold riches.
  untold hour 0.66   I beat the plane by untold hours.
  untold suffering 0.59   To achieve his wish of pursuing his studies, he had already endured untold sufferings.
  untold consequence 0.53   They can blow each other up, with untold consequences to the team.
  untold amount 0.39   But U.N. investigators say that an untold amount goes to local chiefs and to rebel military units.
  untold life 0.39   They helped save untold lives.
  untold misery 0.39   The floods have caused untold misery to hundreds of homeowners.
  untold wealth 0.39   What will he use that untold wealth for?
  untold treasure 0.33   These beautiful buildings were of unique designs and home to untold treasures.
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