unlawful possession 2.50   They each were charged with unlawful possession of a weapon.
  unlawful assembly 2.17   Most were charged with unlawful assembly and released on bail.
  unlawful imprisonment 1.97   He is also seeking damages for unlawful imprisonment.
  unlawful flight 1.71   They were charged with unlawful flight to avoid confinement.
  unlawful act 1.58   If the accused kills by fire, the unlawful act is arson.
  unlawful arrest 1.58   Complaints of unlawful arrest can be taken to the courts.
  unlawful killing 1.51   The jury returned a verdict of unlawful killing.
  unlawful entry 1.32   A pushed-in window indicated unlawful entry.
  unlawful combatant 1.25   Bin Laden and al-Qaida are unlawful combatants who can be shot on sight.
  unlawful use 1.25   Mok was charged with unlawful use of a weapon, a misdemeanor.
  unlawful activity 1.18   He and company lawyers denied any unlawful activity.
  unlawful restraint 1.12   Winsor was accused of unlawful restraint and sexual imposition.
  unlawful confinement 1.05   Marcia pleaded guilty to two assault charges and one of unlawful confinement.
  unlawful detention 1.05   Charges include unlawful detention and bodily harm.
  unlawful sex 0.72   Anwar stands accused of crimes that include unlawful sex acts and leaking state secrets.
  unlawful discrimination 0.59   This leads us to consider the meaning of unlawful discrimination.
  unlawful purpose 0.59   He is also charged with having Semtex for an unlawful purpose.
  unlawful conduct 0.46   Rapier was acquitted of disorderly behavior and unlawful conduct charges.
  unlawful order 0.46   Even a soldier at war has the right to defy an unlawful order.
  unlawful search 0.46   She sued, saying the search of her car was illegal and that she could not be fired as the result of an unlawful search.
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