unequivocal support 1.51   That fell short of a declaration of unequivocal support.
  unequivocal apology 0.66   They have insisted on official government compensation, with its implications of guilt and unequivocal apology.
  unequivocal no 0.66   His answer is an unequivocal no.
  unequivocal yes 0.66   The answer is an unequivocal yes.
  unequivocal commitment 0.53   Judaism proclaimed its unequivocal commitment to the poor, the powerless, the stranger within our gates.
  unequivocal message 0.46   The Ulster News Letter carried an unequivocal message Friday for its largely Protestant readership.
  unequivocal statement 0.33   How many other public figures outside the United States, I wonder, would make such an unequivocal statement?
  unequivocal supporter 0.33   Ashcroft contended that White was not an unequivocal supporter of the death penalty.
  unequivocal evidence 0.26   Previous studies had failed to produce unequivocal evidence of Neanderthal hunting.
  unequivocal stand 0.26   The only U.S. ally that took an unequivocal stand was Britain.
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