underway effort 1.25   There was no hint of the effort underway in the workroom upstairs.
  underway talk 1.18   Talks underway to resolve Arab summit differences.
  underway negotiation 0.92   There are also negotiations underway with Slovakia.
  underway project 0.66   Mann did, however, express optimism about two projects underway in the region.
  underway work 0.53   Other work underway may lead to producing muscle cell lines.
  underway campaign 0.46   Within the confines of the campaign underway, there have been some signs of intensification.
  underway change 0.39   She said the fluid could signal that there are changes underway in the breast.
  underway get 0.33   A new club is opening with a gymnastics display at Rayburns Close... the action gets underway on Wednesday at seven thirty.
  underway meeting 0.33   High-level meeting underway at the White House.
  underway operation 0.33   Huge operation underway to distribute euros.
  underway study 0.33   The company already has three other interim studies underway evaluating the drug in different combinations.
  underway trial 0.33   There, a lone demonstrator shouted his protests of organized religion, apparently unrelated to the trial underway indoors.
  underway battle 0.26   With so many battles underway, there is now an arsenal of acronyms.
  underway discussion 0.26   There are discussions underway about a number of issues.
  underway exercise 0.26   The Russian minister, according to Interfax, touched upon the issue of a NATO military exercise underway in northern Norway.
  underway process 0.26   Shevardnadze also warned that the holding of such an election risked undermining the fragile peace process underway in the region.
  underway recount 0.26   A recount underway in a remaining Michigan seat appears to favor Republican Mike Rogers.
  underway reform 0.26   But Taiwan may be losing its hold in the region, as officials eye unprecedented free market reforms underway in China.
  underway review 0.26   Boeing officials declined to comment on the report, which cited unnamed people familiar with a review underway at the Seattle-based planemaker.
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