underground test 23.17   Banned all but underground nuclear tests.
  underground group 7.11   Omar is believed to be a key member of the underground group.
  underground water 6.91   In Mayan, that means underground water.
  underground bunker 6.32   Their underground bunker is built over a year-round spring.
  underground explosion 6.25   France has also backed a ban on all underground nuclear explosions.
  underground tunnel 5.00   Bomb-sniffing dogs will patrol underground tunnels.
  underground church 4.81   The underground churches reject government controls.
  underground garage 4.81   He was ferried into an underground garage.
  underground blast 4.28   After setting off three underground nuclear blasts,
  underground network 4.08   No time could be wasted in this underground network.
  underground shelter 4.08   Millions rushed to underground shelters.
  underground movement 3.49   This is the only underground movement in China.
  underground facility 3.29   Initial reports had said it was an underground facility.
  underground economy 3.16   Some work in the underground economy.
  underground pipe 3.09   The water was drained into underground pipes.
  underground station 2.63   The closest Underground station is Holborn.
  underground train 2.57   Or an underground train coming into a station.
  underground storage 2.44   The facility also included underground storage tanks.
  underground tank 2.37   Even an underground tank can float.
  underground railway 2.24   Most people were obliged to take the Metro underground railway.
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