twist ankle 9.08   One twisted ankle.
  twist arm 5.99   They will twist our arms.
  twist knee 3.69   I twisted my knee.
  twist body 1.58   Do not twist entire body.
  twist head 1.58   He twisted his head to gulp in air.
  twist word 1.18   Twist ing words.
  twist hair 1.05   She twisted her hair.
  twist neck 1.05   The morning of the nuptials, the groom twisted his neck surfing.
  twist back 0.99   Brown twisted his back as he stood up to yell instructions.
  twist knife 0.99   Travis twisted the knife by laughing at her.
  twist face 0.86   Her face is all twisted up like a snarl.
  twist fact 0.86   Yes, he has his facts twisted.
  twist truth 0.86   But that is twisting the truth.
  twist hand 0.79   Irene twisted her hands together.
  twist torso 0.66   I twisted my torso.
  twist way 0.66   A dust storm had begun to twist its way through the openness.
  twist leg 0.53   I twisted my leg.
  twist mouth 0.53   A hard smile twisted his mouth.
  twist end 0.46   Twist the ends to seal.
  twist foot 0.46   The team said Sherrard slightly twisted his foot and was fine.
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