trim cost 10.14   The bank also trimmed costs.
  trim fat 4.08   Trim fat from meat.
  trim payroll 3.55   The team is trying to trim payroll.
  trim inventory 2.83   The inventory has been trimmed to reduce clutter.
  trim rate 2.83   The dollar slumped on concern the Fed could trim rates.
  trim beard 2.70   First, trim that beard!
  trim loss 2.63   Stocks plunged but later trimmed their losses.
  trim tree 2.63   He trimmed trees.
  trim staff 2.50   Companies, too, are trimming staff.
  trim budget 2.30   Budgets were trimmed.
  trim edge 2.17   Trim edges.
  trim expense 2.11   To take these tacks, of course, Corporate Express must trim expenses.
  trim production 2.11   Al-Sabeeh stressed that OPEC would not trim production on its own.
  trim earnings 1.84   Rising interest rates trim company earnings.
  trim deficit 1.71   He promised in his campaign to trim the deficit.
  trim hair 1.71   His hair is trimmed.
  trim number 1.51   The bill would trim the number of immigrants to the US.
  trim gain 1.45   Profit-taking late in the day trimmed earlier gains.
  trim profit 1.45   That will trim their profits.
  trim hedge 1.32   Trimming the hedges.
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