tree be 41.41   This tree is excellent.
  tree grow 7.31   Lets no tree grow.
  tree fall 7.24   Tall trees fall hard.
  tree have 6.45   Trees have meaning.
  tree die 2.76   The trees died.
  tree stand 2.63   The workman had a tree stand.
  tree look 2.04   The tree looked naked and lonely.
  tree become 1.91   Trees became flaming torches.
  tree block 1.91   Trees block erosion.
  tree produce 1.84   The tree produces good fruit.
  tree come 1.65   Tree coming, Martha, better hit it!
  tree need 1.58   Does a mature palm tree need water?
  tree provide 1.58   The tree provided plenty of shade.
  tree begin 1.51   Those trees are now beginning to bear fruit.
  tree surround 1.45   Big homes surrounded by trees.
  tree go 1.32   This tree was going to be just as shy.
  tree line 1.32   Trees line the left side of the fairway.
  tree survive 1.32   Will my tree survive?
  tree sway 1.25   Allow the tree to sway a little.
  tree sprout 1.18   Many more trees sprouted.
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