trained dog 6.25   Specially trained dog walkers do it in packs.
  trained personnel 3.23   The unit is staffed by trained personnel.
  trained staff 2.90   That translates into a shortage of trained staff.
  trained professional 2.24   They are highly trained professionals.
  trained worker 2.17   The flood of newly trained workers was hard to assimilate.
  trained nurse 1.97   Shabazz was a trained nurse.
  trained teacher 1.71   Those higher wages and trained teachers come with a price.
  trained pilot 1.65   All but Al Suqami were trained pilots.
  trained technician 1.65   They sent in a whole army of trained technicians.
  trained doctor 1.51   There is also a serious lack of trained doctors in the region.
  trained eye 1.45   But technology cannot replace the trained eye.
  trained employee 1.38   Trained employees must be retained.
  trained chef 1.18   A highly trained chef is required to prepare them safely.
  trained lawyer 1.05   ...a trained lawyer who can present arguments persuasively.
  trained musician 1.05   A classically trained musician who was raised in Stone Mountain.
  trained counselor 0.99   She could also draw from her experience as a trained counselor.
  trained people 0.92   Where are the trained people to do this?
  trained soldier 0.92   Only about a quarter of them were trained soldiers.
  trained specialist 0.92   They are highly trained specialists.
  trained economist 0.86   Videnov is not a trained economist.
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