trail leader 2.70   But he still trails the leader by nine strokes.
  trail play 1.45   Maltby, trailing the play, got credit for his fifth goal.
  trail field 1.12   Impeachment will trail the field into the first turn.
  trail opposition 1.12   Kohl trails the opposition in opinion polls.
  trail rival 0.86   Still, Kmart trails its rivals in almost insurmountable ways.
  trail game 0.72   Trailing two games to none is nothing.
  trail rest 0.66   We all played Scrabble tonight, Tom - poor Tom - trailing the rest again.
  trail challenger 0.59   Serpa trails challenger Andres Pastrana in opinion polls.
  trail smoke 0.59   Stephens said the plane was trailing smoke and pieces were falling off just before it crashed.
  trail candidate 0.53   Alexander has consistently trailed these candidates in national and statewide polls.
  trail market 0.53   Their performance generally trails the market.
  trail most 0.53   Granted, they were trailing most of the game.
  trail pack 0.53   Ford is expected to trail the pack again.
  trail competitor 0.46   Mazda has trailed its competitors in releasing new models.
  trail eighth-place 0.46   He trails eighth-place Guy Lafleur by three.
  trail finger 0.46   We trailed our fingers in the water.
  trail cloud 0.39   Zebras trail clouds of dust in the scrubbed cactus-littered grasslands.
  trail opponent 0.39   For the seventh time in the last eight games the Nets trailed their opponents at halftime.
  trail front-runner 0.33   Despite this, he trails the front-runner, Avraham Burg, the Parliament speaker, in the upcoming race for Labor Party leader.
  trail man 0.33   He had been trailing six men.
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