toughen law 4.61   The government is toughening antidrug laws.
  toughen penalty 3.23   Would toughen penalties for violating orders of protection.
  toughen stance 2.24   Major also toughened his stance Sunday.
  toughen requirement 1.78   As a result, they are toughening requirements.
  toughen sanction 1.71   The U.N. then toughened sanctions, but Gadhafi remained defiant.
  toughen standard 1.71   They also blocked several attempts to toughen accounting standards.
  toughen rule 1.38   But last year, the state toughened the rules to save money.
  toughen enforcement 1.18   Dole would toughen enforcement of child support laws.
  toughen measure 1.12   Not all the changes made by the Senate yesterday toughened the measure.
  toughen regulation 1.05   Now, he is trying to get industrywide regulations toughened.
  toughen sentence 0.92   He also said he would send Congress a bill to toughen sentences against convicted drug traffickers.
  toughen stand 0.86   Switzerland also toughened its stand against Iran after the Berlin ruling.
  toughen position 0.72   On both sides, people have responded to the violence by toughening their positions.
  toughen policy 0.66   The guest policy was toughened last semester for security reasons, Grider said.
  toughen resolve 0.66   That should toughen their resolve.
  toughen restriction 0.59   Vote to toughen restrictions on immigrants.
  toughen condition 0.46   The IMF has toughened its conditions for the release of further loans following the scandal.
  toughen punishment 0.46   U.S. officials have long pressured Colombia to toughen its punishment for drug criminals.
  toughen tone 0.39   But the conflict over weapons inspectors caused Paris to toughen its tone.
  toughen approach 0.33   Even Mandela has toughened his approach.
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