tireless worker 2.96   He was responsible, stable, a tireless worker.
  tireless advocate 1.05   A tireless advocate for human rights.
  tireless campaigner 1.05   He is a tireless campaigner.
  tireless effort 1.05   Tireless effort would have been enough to keep UMass in the game.
  tireless work 0.99   The Swedes know the value of Larsson and his tireless work.
  tireless campaign 0.72   Her tireless campaign for membership has been an uphill battle.
  tireless promoter 0.53   She is a tireless promoter for the attraction and the region.
  tireless champion 0.33   Tireless champion of families and children.
  tireless teacher 0.33   She was a gracious host, an intrepid tour guide and a tireless teacher.
  tireless crusader 0.26   Leslie is a tireless crusader for the game she stumbled into by happenstance.
  tireless dedication 0.26   He was nevertheless best known for his tireless philanthropic dedication.
  tireless performance 0.26   Leonel Alvarez made a difference with a tireless performance in midfield.
  tireless search 0.26   True, his was a tireless search for the winning edge, and he delighted in finding a loophole in the rules.
  tireless self-promoter 0.26   He was a hustler and a tireless self-promoter.
  tireless supporter 0.26   He was a tireless supporter of rights for Aboriginal people.
  tireless volunteer 0.26   A tireless volunteer, Stachler leads exercise and dance classes at several area retirement homes.
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