terrestrial television 1.65   In addition, it has many small local terrestrial television channels.
  terrestrial broadcaster 0.86   The BBC fought the case on behalf of all terrestrial broadcasters.
  terrestrial life 0.72   ...terrestrial life forms.
  terrestrial channel 0.59   They share coverage of the FA Cup with terrestrial channel ITV.
  terrestrial radio 0.53   Terrestrial radio broadcasters are bracing for a new kind of competitor.
  terrestrial station 0.39   Few games are shown live on regular terrestrial stations.
  terrestrial bacterium 0.33   Terrestrial bacteria commonly produce such thin films.
  terrestrial rock 0.33   Terrestrial rocks show no evidence of hotter eruptions over the past half billion years.
  terrestrial broadcasting 0.26   Through the new project, Matsushita hopes to become a major producer of digital television devices for both satellite and terrestrial broadcasting.
  terrestrial microbe 0.26   The higher reaches of the sky may have been contaminated by terrestrial microbes riding on satellites or rockets.
  terrestrial plant 0.26   Water varieties of terrestrial plants, such as irises and cannas, are other possibilities.
  terrestrial service 0.26   You pay more for terrestrial banking services because of the cost of operating a branch network.
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