terminate contract 12.31   The contract was terminated.
  terminate pregnancy 5.07   She decided to terminate her pregnancy.
  terminate agreement 3.82   The agreement was being terminated immediately.
  terminate deal 1.91   U.S. officials said the deal had been terminated.
  terminate service 1.65   Eight employees had their services terminated in January.
  terminate lease 1.51   Such a lease could be terminated with minimum notice.
  terminate benefit 1.32   We not only terminate benefits, we disappear the recipient.
  terminate right 1.18   It takes a year to terminate parental rights.
  terminate program 1.05   Now it may be time to terminate the program altogether.
  terminate talk 0.92   In New York, Morgan Stanley confirmed it had terminated the talks.
  terminate employee 0.86   Plans are being made to terminate unproductive employees.
  terminate relationship 0.79   Nonetheless, NPR has terminated its relationship with her.
  terminate negotiation 0.72   As a result, the seller terminated negotiations.
  terminate inning 0.53   Prasad then had McGrath caught behind to terminate the innings.
  terminate employment 0.46   The company had the right to terminate his employment at any time.
  terminate life 0.46   As for abortus medisinalis, this is a medical act which also terminates the life of a fetus.
  terminate plan 0.46   The coup terminated plans to reopen it.
  terminate support 0.46   When physicians refused to terminate life support, the infant was put up for adoption.
  terminate account 0.39   Hotmail warns users that their accounts will be terminated if they violate rules on sending unsolicited e-mail.
  terminate business 0.39   Unilever has denied an interest in selling or terminating the businesses.
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