tenuous peace 1.71   He and Taylor eventually reached a tenuous peace.
  tenuous relationship 1.45   Like many players, Barry has a tenuous relationship with Fitch.
  tenuous cease-fire 1.25   Neither side seems ready to extend the tenuous cease-fire.
  tenuous connection 1.25   My tenuous connection with reality has finally evaporated.
  tenuous position 0.99   Davis is in a tenuous position.
  tenuous nature 0.79   Critics say this is clear proof of the tenuous nature of any promise of confidentiality.
  tenuous hold 0.72   Those with a tenuous hold on reality are in the mix too.
  tenuous link 0.72   Lincoln Dewitt has a more tenuous link.
  tenuous alliance 0.53   And he has cultivated at least a tenuous alliance with the mercurial Giuliani.
  tenuous control 0.53   Since then, a large Russian garrison has held a tenuous control over the city.
  tenuous grip 0.53   The Phillies, however, have a tenuous grip on first place.
  tenuous grasp 0.46   He has a tenuous grasp on reality.
  tenuous situation 0.46   Burke has also known some tenuous situations.
  tenuous tie 0.46   Even a tenuous tie to Carol Burnett.
  tenuous one 0.39   But he has given his legacy a tenuous one.
  tenuous truce 0.39   A tenuous truce has been in force since Friday.
  tenuous bond 0.33   In the end, though, Stacey and Mike form a tenuous bond.
  tenuous ceasefire 0.33   A tenuous ceasefire has been in force ever since.
  tenuous existence 0.33   The local theater has had a tenuous existence in recent years.
  tenuous life 0.33   In mid-October, their tenuous life fell apart.
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