technical problem 47.93   All the technical problems.
  technical assistance 29.82   They are offering merely technical assistance.
  technical support 25.35   I called for technical support.
  technical factor 13.89   Corn fell slightly on technical factors.
  technical skill 13.63   Good technical skills are not enough.
  technical expertise 12.51   He had the technical expertise.
  technical reason 11.98   The case was later closed for technical reasons.
  technical issue 11.13   Technical issues remain, too.
  technical expert 10.99   Technical experts analyzed the data.
  technical detail 10.53   I will not go into the technical details.
  technical director 9.48   He is the technical director of the BadLANs.
  technical difficulty 8.89   Due to technical difficulties,
  technical rebound 7.83   Its technical rebound was checked at its resistance zone.
  technical aspect 7.77   The technical aspects work best on disc.
  technical information 7.31   Combine the technical information with the emotional.
  technical glitch 7.18   The technical glitches.
  technical standard 6.71   Now there is an open technical standard.
  technical school 6.45   The two also took classes at a technical school there.
  technical cooperation 6.25   - encouraging technical cooperation.
  technical committee 6.19   A technical committee was formed to study the issue.
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