talking stage 1.71   But the talking stage is over.
  talking peace 1.25   Yet few ordinary Palestinians and Israelis seemed to be talking peace.
  talking shop 1.18   Every democracy is a talking shop.
  talking pig 1.05   Blame the talking pig.
  talking baseball 0.86   We are talking baseball.
  talking dog 0.72   A talking dog spotted in a store?
  talking politics 0.72   Elaine and I were talking politics.
  talking trash 0.66   Rasheed, too busy talking trash.
  talking computer 0.53   Talking computers are nothing new.
  talking business 0.46   They are in the conference room talking business.
  talking picture 0.46   And, for talking pictures, what better source than Broadway?
  talking drum 0.33   Talking drums bellowed.
  talking retirement 0.33   Today we are talking retirement.
  talking toy 0.33   There were no songs, no cute talking toys or monsters.
  talking trade 0.33   Along with cultural war, Buchanan is now talking trade war.
  talking animal 0.26   For one thing, Disney decided against talking animals.
  talking baby 0.26   The talking baby routine is nothing new.
  talking bulldog 0.26   The talking bulldog alone would probably draw throngs of people to the multiplexes.
  talking car 0.26   A talking car?
  talking circle 0.26   On a recent afternoon, he led a talking circle on abandonment.
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