tainted blood 4.81   Tainted blood is common in Henan.
  tainted letter 3.23   Most of the cases have been tied to tainted letters.
  tainted meat 1.91   This is not about tainted meat.
  tainted food 1.65   People can be infected through tainted food, water or animals.
  tainted water 1.45   Tainted water could have been responsible for infecting the sprouts.
  tainted mail 1.25   Did she have contact with tainted mail, somehow, somewhere?
  tainted beef 1.18   They had eaten tainted beef.
  tainted election 0.92   There have been tainted elections.
  tainted money 0.66   That leaves a big loophole for tainted money to flow through.
  tainted product 0.66   Neither agency has the power to force companies to recall tainted products.
  tainted image 0.59   His current drive for the presidency is also a quest to rehabilitate a tainted image.
  tainted evidence 0.53   With all the stuff that is coming out now, we believe he made up his mind on tainted evidence.
  tainted feed 0.53   The Faillaces produced records that they said showed that neither flock had eaten tainted feed in Europe.
  tainted school 0.53   It was traced to tainted school lunches.
  tainted hamburger 0.46   The Hotz family is suing Costco, where the tainted frozen hamburger patties were purchased.
  tainted reputation 0.46   A victory against the Buffs would restore some luster to their tainted reputation.
  tainted soil 0.39   They said they had no problem finding chemically tainted soil.
  tainted drug 0.33   The sad truth is it no longer takes a tainted drug test to besmirch a reputation.
  tainted seed 0.33   Tainted seed is supposed to be destroyed.
  tainted victory 0.33   The team that benefited was celebrating a tainted victory.
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