systemic problem 2.90   The panel found no systemic problems.
  systemic change 1.25   To be sure, not all analysts see systemic changes at work.
  systemic risk 1.25   Systemic financial risk, for example.
  systemic disease 0.86   He specializes in breath studies to diagnose systemic diseases.
  systemic endotoxaemia 0.72   Induction of colitis was associated with systemic endotoxaemia.
  systemic reform 0.72   But proposals for systemic reform are more vital.
  systemic discrimination 0.53   Dr Cheung said the commission also would investigate if there was systemic discrimination in education.
  systemic infection 0.46   In severe cases, the bacteria can slip into the bloodstream and cause systemic infections.
  systemic corruption 0.39   But the systemic corruption of Mexico overwhelmed presidents Zedillo and Clinton.
  systemic insecticide 0.39   Tree companies also offer systemic insecticides.
  systemic lupus 0.39   Systemic lupus is incurable and can be fatal.
  systemic illness 0.33   Patients were excluded if they had a systemic illness requiring treatment or were currently being treated with antiulcer agents.
  systemic treatment 0.33   Aseptic osteonecrosis is an adverse effect of systemic steroid treatment.
  systemic absorption 0.26   After the intake of azo-bound drugs, the mucosal concentrations are very low despite a low systemic absorption.
  systemic approach 0.26   The systemic approach of these engineers led them to value learning and teamwork much more than their colleagues.
  systemic crisis 0.26   The economy is locked in a systemic crisis.
  systemic effect 0.26   The exact mechanism behind this systemic effect remains to be elucidated.
  systemic failure 0.26   But it also led to accusations that City Hall was unfairly blaming two low-level employees for a systemic failure.
  systemic herbicide 0.26   You can CAREFULLY apply a systemic herbicide for some possible relief of these vines.
  systemic threat 0.26   Finance experts say the Thai crisis presents no comparable systemic threat.
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