swiss bank 62.21   And how much is going into Swiss banks?
  swiss government 35.22   The Swiss government lags badly behind.
  swiss authority 30.09   He said Swiss authorities should not fear him.
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  swiss company 17.51   ...a Swiss company which went bust last May.
  swiss official 15.67   Swiss officials also denied wrongdoing.
  swiss police 7.70   The letters were turned over to Swiss police.
  swiss citizen 5.99   All were Swiss citizens.
  swiss newspaper 5.99   Swiss newspapers were jubilant.
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  swiss law 5.66   Blatter said that was not correct under Swiss law.
  swiss team 5.60   Reason enough to put some more pace in the Swiss team.
  swiss banker 5.40   The Swiss bankers were greedy.
  swiss capital 5.13   He was arrested in the Swiss capital, Bern.
  swiss prosecutor 4.94   Kofi Annan recommends Swiss prosecutor to head tribunal.
  swiss court 4.81   He is now facing charges before a Swiss court.
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  swiss national 4.21   All were Swiss nationals.
  swiss city 4.02   He now lives in that Swiss city.
  swiss stock 3.95   Swiss stocks led the gains.
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