sunshine be 14.81   Sunshine is healthy.
  sunshine prevail 4.67   Sunshine will prevail elsewhere.
  sunshine return 3.62   Some sunshine will return to Montana.
  sunshine cover 2.83   Ample sunshine will cover the Southwest.
  sunshine dominate 2.11   Elsewhere, sunshine will dominate.
  sunshine boost 1.71   Abundant sunshine will boost afternoon readings to seasonal levels.
  sunshine yield 1.58   Sunshine will yield to clouds in the Great Lakes.
  sunshine mix 1.38   Morning sunshine will mix with clouds throughout the region.
  sunshine occur 1.12   Otherwise, ample sunshine will occur over the region.
  sunshine fade 0.92   Near the coast, morning sunshine will fade behind thickening clouds.
  sunshine bathe 0.86   Otherwise, abundant sunshine will bathe the region.
  sunshine develop 0.59   Sunshine will develop near the Gulf coast as drier air arrives.
  sunshine bath 0.46   Sunshine bathed and nurtured this land.
  sunshine break 0.46   Sunshine broke through Friday after two days of high winds and heavy rains.
  sunshine give 0.46   Sunshine gave way to rain.
  sunshine promote 0.46   Farther west, abundant sunshine will promote seasonable conditions.
  sunshine raise 0.46   Abundant sunshine will raise temperatures to seasonal levels.
  sunshine combine 0.39   Ample sunshine will combine with light breezes and low humidity.
  sunshine embrace 0.39   Ample sunshine will embrace the Eastern states.
  sunshine say 0.39   Sunshine said he also continued to donate to other right-wing Israeli groups.
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