sunny sky 46.02   A sunny sky.
  sunny day 19.16   It was a sunny day.
  sunny morning 11.85   Partly sunny morning.
  sunny afternoon 6.65   Sunny afternoon.
  sunny weather 5.27   Big throngs watched in sunny weather.
  sunny side 2.83   ----- Sunny side up?
  sunny condition 2.76   The race started in sunny conditions.
  sunny spot 2.44   She chose a sunny spot.
  sunny disposition 1.71   A sunny disposition.
  sunny spring 1.51   Storm changed winter into a sunny spring day.
  sunny window 1.38   Those sunny windows.
  sunny spell 1.05   A sunny spell of fishing.
  sunny place 0.99   Plant the daisies in a sunny place.
  sunny area 0.86   Place poinsettia in a sunny area.
  sunny clime 0.86   Railroads and steamboats brought visitors seeking sunny climes.
  sunny beach 0.79   I have to go to work on a beautiful sunny beach every day.
  sunny summer 0.79   Make a note, too, about sunny summer bloomers that are also drought resistant.
  sunny weekend 0.79   No crowds, at least not on a perfect sunny weekend in mid-May.
  sunny interval 0.66   Scotland mainly dry with sunny intervals.
  sunny location 0.66   -- Choose a sunny location for your garden.
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